University of Ghana Nutrition Research and Training Center

Dr. Ofonime Eyo

Dr. Ofonime Eyo

Dr. Ofonime Eyo is a researcher passionate about Climate-Smart Agriculture, Mitigation/ Adaptation studies and Sustainable Development. She obtained a PhD in Environmental Management from the Pan African University (PAULESI) Nigeria, under the African Union Merit Award. She was nominated for the Norman Borlaug fellowship by the Indian Council for Agricultural Research, where she obtained a Master’s degree in Agricultural Economics from the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Coimbatore, India. In 2018, she was nominated a CLIFF-GRADS Fellow ( for a project at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center Bangladesh. During this experience, she received hands-on training for a “Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA)” at Khulna. Dr. Ofonime has been involved in conferences and workshops within and outside the country and was actively involved in the Global Climate Smart Agriculture Conference in October 2019 in Bali, Indonesia. She has completed the Climate Governance, Diplomacy and Negotiations Leadership Program sponsored by the African Group of Negotiators Expert Support. She has learned and applied qualitative and quantitative methodologies in her past research and has voluntarily contributed to research at the Nigerian Meteorological Agency.