University of Ghana Nutrition Research and Training Center

Essoyomèwè Adamagnon

Essoyomèwè Adamagnon

Essoyomèwè Adamagnon is a PhD student at Université de Lomé. Her research is focused on Arts and Literary studies, an African literature specialist. She has over five years of experience in youth education and community development projects. She organises workshops and seminars on good practices for the consolidation of peace and social cohesion centred on gender, female leadership, responsible citizenship, and open-mindedness. Her vision is to lift young people to become financially and intellectually independent and make communities free of violence by advocating for mutual respect, tolerance, and the promotion of gender equity. Essoyomèwè worked as the project manager and programme development specialist at Style Her Empowered (S H E), where she educated girls and empowered women to help them thrive, uplift them, and help them to contribute to the development of their communities. She is a YALI alumnus from the Regional Leadership Centre (Nigeria cohort 4) in the civic leadership track, 2018. Currently, she is an active member of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF-Togo). She founded the Ambassadeurs de la Culture, de l’Education, de la Santé et du Sport (ACESS) in 2021.