Dr. Gbekley E. Holalyholds a Ph.D in Medical Biology and a Master’s in Education and Training. He is a Medical Biologist and Assistant Professor of CAMES in the Department of Biochemistry-Nutrition Faculty of Science at the Higher School of Biological and Food Techniques (ESTBA) of the University of Lome, Togo. He studied Medical Biology and Biotechnology (University of Lomé, Togo), Molecular Biology (University Joseph Ki-Zerbo I, Burkina-Faso), Ethnopharmacology (Togolese Society of Ethnopharmacology and French Society of Ethnopharmacology), Pedagogy of Education and Training (University of Lomé, Togo and Cadi Ayyad University Marrakech, Morocco) and Civic Leadership at the Center for Educational, Social, Political and Sustainable Development Expertise ( CEESPoD, Togo) of African Institute of Biomedical, Agri-Food, Societal and Environmental Sciences (IASBASE), Lomé, Togo.
As an early career researcher, the QES program will allow him to collaborate with experts in Health Sciences, education, and training to improve his skills in health sciences and nutrition. In addition, this program will lead to performance in Entrepreneurship-Leadership-Civism: an important aspect of our socio-political societies’ cultural and economic environment and socio-political dialogue on development systems in development sectors.