Sarah Cooper is a doctoral candidate in public health (specializing in global health) at the Université de Montréal School of Public Health. She holds a Master’s degree in Family Medicine (McGill University) and a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry (McGill University). Her research interests include maternal health, evaluative research, public policy, structural determinants of health, and mixed methods. More specifically, as part of her doctoral thesis, she is working on a mixed methods project aimed at integrating women’s perspectives into the evaluation of the quality of maternal health care, in the hope of assessing the effects of a policy of free health care for women of childbearing age in Burkina Faso.
Throughout her doctoral studies at ESPUM, Sarah has been a valued member of Dr Thomas Druetz’s research team. This experience allowed her to contribute to various projects in Burkina Faso, Benin, and Haiti, enriching her understanding of global health dynamics. Her doctoral research was funded by the Fonds de recherche du Québec Science, the Queen Elizabeth Scholars Program, Hyegia Observatoire, and the RRSPQ.