University of Ghana Nutrition Research and Training Center

Myriam Yasmine Baguignan

Myriam Yasmine Baguignan

Myriam Yasmine Baguignan is a doctoral student researcher in Energy at the Department of Chemical, Food and Environmental Processes Sciences of the Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny. Her area of interest focuses on sustainable development-oriented local initiatives in African countries and the improvement of living conditions of populations through green and renewable energies. She has technical skills in designing, installing, and managing green energy systems. Her research focuses on waste management and bioenergy recovery to enable Africa to develop a more competitive industry. She has worked to bring technical and organisational expertise to industries for energy optimisation to create sustainable transformation processes. She has also worked on developing and vulgarising innovative waste treatment solutions from agro-industrial processing industries to add value and strengthen local economies through the circular economy.