University of Ghana Nutrition Research and Training Center

Boateng Bannerman

Boateng Bannerman

Boateng Bannerman is a doctoral student at the School of Public Health, University Ghana, Legon. He has a Bachelor’s and Master of Science degree in Computer Science. He has worked on various nutrition-related research projects at the University of Ghana and with international and local non-governmental organizations. His skills and competencies span project coordination and several academic software applications. His doctoral research work focuses on developing an electronic food atlas to aid in adolescent dietary assessment in Greater Accra in Ghana. As a graduate research assistant, Boateng is currently engaged in the Nudging for Good Project at the Nutrition Department, Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research. The project focuses on using Artificial Intelligence diagnostics and behaviour change to improve the diets and nutrition of adolescent girls. As a QEScholar, he hopes to gain insight, acquired through meaningful interactions, to enable him to design interventions that resonate with the community and inspire lasting behavioural changes.